The CHANGEMAKERS had the opportunity to tour Parkview Baptist, BASIS Materra, and Woodlawn High School.
The CHANGEMAKERS had the opportunity to tour Parkview Baptist, BASIS Materra, and Woodlawn High School.
The Initiative seeks to identify student perspectives on areas of need in Baton Rouge, elevate student voice in K12 education policy, and develop a pipeline for student engagement at all levels of EBR government systems.
Baton Rouge Alliance for Students announced a collaboration between Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council (MYAC), and Safe, Hopeful Healthy BR to form the Baton Rouge Youth Voice Initiative.
Lauren-Brianna Fields joins our team as our Communications Director, and Korey Ryder joins the Alliance as our Political Director.
The School Board should take the lead in implementing a system publicly communicating district expenditures similar to one recently proposed by Rep. Rick Edmonds, R-Baton Rouge.
In June, the School Board turned down an opportunity to offer 4,400 students access to new nationally competitive schools in Baton Rouge.
At their most recent meeting, the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board had the opportunity to offer more than 6,000 students access to schools that are outperforming the state and even the nation on many education measures.
It is the board’s responsibility to ensure every Baton Rouge family has the ability to access a high-quality education in the school of their choice
“Despite the often extraordinary efforts by teachers and families to educate Baton Rouge’s children during the pandemic, many students have lost ground amid school closures, virtual schooling, and the trauma of a global crisis.”
In partnership with ExxonMobil, the Baton Rouge Alliance for Students is offering North Baton Rouge high school seniors an opportunity to earn one of five $2,000 scholarships to aid in pursuing their post-secondary education.